Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It Feels Great to Be Appreciated

It's so easy to be like Eeyore - seeing the glum side of everything. Feeling unappreciated can become a way of life and staying in that rut will make you miserable.

I've had the privilege of working with at-risk youth in a performing arts program for over ten years now and I've seen how a little appreciation goes a long way.  The accompanist for our musical productions used to write a note to each student in the show, letting them know what a great job they did. When we ended up having 50-70 students in a show, she wasn't able to keep up with that tradition.

When we finished our performing arts center and I started working backstage, I decided to start writing notes to the cast members. On closing night, I leave an envelope for each of them in the dressing room. In my note, I mention their improvements, their individual talents, and anything else I noticed about that student. Several students have told me that those notes meant a lot to them and I often hear that the students have kept the notes tucked away. Their appreciation keeps me doing this for each show.

Imagine my surprise when I came in to work one morning and found this lovely note on my office door. One of the students who received notes from me in several shows returned the favor by letting me know I was awesome. It really made my day and I still cherish that little endorsement.

Let's take the time to let the people around us know that they are appreciated. Let them know what they're doing well or doing right. You never know whose life will be changed with that little boost.

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